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Blaster Shot.
Train Smarter.
Defend Smarter.
If you love the Games of Airsoft or Paintball and First Person Shooter Video Games like we do...The reason will become clear as you read on.
The games of Paintball and AirSoft are very popular because:
Paintball and Airsoft Games are all played by "honor system" rules, which means that if you are hit, you as a honest player will "call yourself hit and leave the game".
The only issue with this type of play is some players are just not honest!
First Person Shooter Games (like COD) are very popular because they give instant game feedback...("hyper communication").
You as a player always know all important combat data:
Real time instant updates always being to players or spectators are what make First Person Shooter Games so exciting and keep players immersed in action.
In a information charged and data demanding world, getting instant information only adds to the intensity and is a must have.
Integrating the functions and instant information updates of a First Person Shooter Game into Paintball and Airsoft only made sense!
After years of hard work and development our project is ready for use by Paintball and AirSoft Players.
We have integrated the same functions, information feedback and excitement as a First Person Shooter Video Game like Call of Duty into Paintball and AirSoft while using Standard Paintball or AirSoft Equipment.
Sure Shots Hyper-Com is an exciting live action role playing game that gives true combat feed back just like a FPS.
The Sure Shots Hyper-Com Game will also provide the following valuable combat data:
Sure Shots has also created a dynamic web application that will allow you:
The action will be as real as it can get...Paintballs or BB's being shot at you and your team from all directions!
You and your opponents will feel the pain of a every hit plus you and your team get the real satisfaction of attempting to complete missions that are as true to life as possible.
In this brave new world...every player will truly experience the “Thrill of Victory or The Agony of Defeat” .
What we are talking about is Paintball or Airsoft with Real Time Combat Feedback just like in a First Person Shooter Video Game Like Call of Duty.
Being under Real Fire adds to the pulse pounding action that every reality junkie really wants.
Sure Shots Hyper-Com will provide Instant Hyper Communication Updates to Paintball and Airsoft Players just like Call of Duty Type Games
Simply put, the reality action of Paintball and Airsoft combined with the electronic feedback of Laser Tag.
We have been developing, creating and distributing Paintball and Airsoft Products for years.
We created and patented the first Reusable Paintless Paintball, the Sure Shots.
Created all cloth, soft, flexible, edge to edge Score Keeping Sensor used in our LazerSkinz Score Keeping Vest.
Our website can show you just how far we have come in making true life action gaming a reality for Paintball and Airsoft.
We have working prototypes and are now ready for next phase.
The funds raised from the Kickstarter Project will be used to:
If you love Paintball and Airsoft and think it is time to bring these games into the next realm, Give Us Your Help.
You can help us succeed in changing Paintball and Airsoft (True Reality Combat Scenario Games) in two ways:
Give us a donation and receive a great functional gift (we will very much appreciate help)
Donate because this project just makes sense and you want to help bring Paintball and Airsoft to the next logical phase.
Everyone who gives us help will get the real satisfaction of knowing they are helping take Paintball and Airsoft to the next Exciting Phase...Real Time Reality Combat with Real Time Feedback!
Call me with any questions or suggestions 304-893-6286
Sure Shots T Shirt Selection
Sure Shots - 200 Count Pack
Sure Shots Protable Electronic Target For Paintless Paintballs & Airsoft BBs
Sure Shots Hyper-Com 2 Player Kit
We really hope you will participate and help us make Hyper-Com a Success!...Call me if you have any questions!
What Powers the Sure Shots Hyper-Com Paintball and Airsoft Game?
Are the Sure Shots Hyper-Com Score Keeping Vests bulky or stiff?
What is the data transmitting range for the Sure Shots Hyper-Com Score Keeping Vest and Paintball & Airsoft Gun Addon?
What kind of battery does the Hyper-Com Score Keeping Vest use?
Who is the Sure Shots Hyper-Com Paintball & Airsoft System for?
What equipment do you actually need to play a Hyper-Com Game?
Sure Shots Hyper-Com is played using:
How do you play a Hyper-Com Game?
Sure Shots Hyper-Com is played just like regular Paintball or Airsoft
Have more questions?
We will be glad answer any other questions.
Email johnny@Sure or call 304-893-6286
Sure Shots has completed the basic research and is completing commercial design processes for manufacturing. A printed circuit board is being designed so all components can be placed on one small circuit board.
We are working on lowering manufacturing costs to make all Sure Shots Products a value based purchase.
The challenges for this project to be finished and successful are minimal...
* the parts we need are readily available * we are completing design * we will assemble and ship products
As first products are delivered, we hope for massive feedback so we can add other player desired functions and options.
We can and will complete this project with your help!