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January 2025
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IAAPA 2024 Compare Gel Ball Vests!
Best Deal Gel Blaster Nexus or Blaster Shot?
Blaster Shot Score Keeping Vests Work With
Gel Ball, Gel Blaster or Gellyball Games!
Check Out Blaster Shot Score Keeping Vests!
Blaster Shot.
Train Smarter.
Defend Smarter.
We helped design, engineer and produce the LazerBall which was the first patented Reusable “Paintless” Paintball in 1993. (see LazerBall Reusable Paintball Patent)
This innovation started the Reusable Paintball Game revolution...some call the game Reball.
The Reball style Paintball game features the use of 68 Caliber Reusable Paintballs and through the years has morphed into New Game called Low Impact Paintball that uses 50 Caliber Reusable Paintballs that cause less bruising and pain for the player.
So the Sure Shots team created, designed and engineered a Score Keeping Vest and Game Management System specifically designed to track and count all hits by Gel Balls, Nerf Darts, Reballs, Airsoft BBs and transmit all hit data to your Phone or Tablet.
Our Score Keeping Vest and Game Management System morphed into The Universal Score Keeping Vest and Universal Game Management System which now tracks and counts all hits by Gel Balls, Nerf Darts or Balls, ReBalls, Bazooka Balls and Airsoft BBs.
We felt that actually seeing which player was hit and where the player was hit would really add to the excitement to the game for both players and spectators.
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