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The reusable, Reusable paintball t can be fired through all paintball guns...hundreds of times and contain No Nasty Paintball Paint
Reusable Paintballs are manufactured in the standard 68 Caliber Size and the new 50 Caliber Size.
The recommended firing speed for a Reusable Paintball is 200-240 feet per second.
The Reusable Paintball is extremely accurate up to 50 feet when fired at 240 feet per second or under.
The "Reusable Paintball" Game is a "interactive combat game" combining the best aspects of Laser Tag and Paintball.
The game is fast-paced, with set objectives and played in an arena type setting featuring a full view of the playing field for both players and spectators.
The Low Impact Reusable Paintball Game is becoming very popular
All it takes to play Reusable Paintball is:
To make a Game more exciting add the Score Keeping Vest System!
The Reusable Paintball Game is a complete "turnkey" Black Light Reusable Paintball Game with a Sci-Fi Theme played with intense music. (Similiar to a Laser Tag Game but with with No Paintball Mess)
The Reusable Paintball Game comes complete with:
Reusable Paintball can be played in a Inflatable Containment Unit.
"Outdoor" Reusable Paintball Game has following benefits:
Most civic and corporate groups like reusable paintball because it is a an exciting combination or Laser Tag and Paintball Games and is a great resource for team-building and developing leadership skills.
The detailed Printed Score Card given to each each player at the end of each game is the perfect performance assessment tool.
The best part is with there is no paintball mess involved!
Corporate Groups and Civic Groups love the excitement and Team Building Benefits of .
Reusable Paintball Play Fields can be installed on a footprint as small as 5000 square feet.
Reusable Paintball Play Fields are always custom designed and built to suit your available space.
"Outdoor" Play Fields can be installed on an area as small as 50 feet x 100 feet.
Your playfield will be custom designed to suit your anticipated need.
Reusable Paintball doesn’t pretend to be paintball.
It is the perfect addition to an existing paintball field or other outdoor entertainment venue because of its affordability for both the owner of the facility and their established player base.
Reusuable Paintball gives your players the opportunity to use their paintball equipment, even when they can’t always afford to play regular paintball.
This gives you, (the field owner), the opportunity to up sell new gear and service player's equipment.
Your customer can pay a flat fee to participate in (usually between $10 and $20 ) gets a couple of hours of play time plus an unlimited supply of Reusable Paintballs.
You can set prices high or lower depending on the time of day and flow of business because you are not paying or buying paintballs. You use Reusable Paintballs over and over.
What a way to make extra money!
Reusable Paintball provides the opportunity for teams to practice more often because of the unlimited use of Reusable Paintballs for one set price.
The teams will practice during your off peak hours, which means efficient use of your facility's time.
Parents love Reusable Paintball because the game is safe and exciting.
Most importantly, is affordable and there is no messy paintball clean up.
is great for birthday parties, sports team award parties, and scouting events.
Reusable Paintball is a favorite of large church youth groups and other large groups.
With Reusable Paintball, you get a fast and very high push through rate.
The average indoor paintball field owner using Reusalble Reusable Paintballs could save $75,000 to $100,000 per year just by eliminating the purchase of paintballs plus the high clean-up and disposal costs of paintballs .
Remember, Reusable Paintballs can be reused hundreds of times !
Reusable Paintball Game can generate steady repeat business because generates the same excitement level as a Laser Tag and a Paintball Game ...with out the mess!
The Score Keeping System gives players the incentive to compare and compete against themselves and other players while trying to better their scores, each time they play.
Not only that, more girls and younger players will play Reusable Paintball because of less bruising and less mess.
If you have any questions about Sure Shots Reusable Products or Score Keeping System.. Call 304-893-6286 or Email Us! On Mobile Phone?