Portable Paintball Target

The Portable Paintball Target works with both 50 Caliber Reusable Paintballs and 68 Caliber Reusable Paintballs.

These Paintball Targets are completely portable, use them in your back yard, use in your basement or even on your Deck!

New! Sure Shots Paintball Target NOW Works With Less than Lethal Ammo...Great Way to Practice Self Defence Drills!

Check out Paintball Target Now! These Paintball Targets are a great Christmas Gift for any Paintball Player!

See Video Demo

The Paintball Target is a great way to enjoy your Reusable Practice Paintballs.

Like all Sure Shots Products, our Paintball Target carries an Unconditional, 30 Day, No B.S. Money Back Guarantee!

Have a Question about this Sure Shots product, give us a call at 304-893-6286 or Send your question by Email, We are here the help!

Portable Paintball Target

 Watch the Portable Paintball Target Work!


Low Impact Paintball Portable Target

Low Impact Paintball Portable Target

March Score Keeping Deal!

Sale: $89.00
$40.00 off

Portable Paintball Target for 68 Cal Paintballs

Portable Paintball Target for 68 Cal Paintballs

March Score Keeping Deal!

Sale: $89.00
$40.00 off