Less Than Lethal Training Target with Score Keeping

Less Than Lethal Training Target with Score Keeping
That's Right...You can Practice with a Non Lethal Launcher and Really Know How Well You are Doing with Blaster Shot Score Keeping Target for Less than Lethal Launchers.

Best Christmas 2024 Deal!

Sale: $119.00
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The Blaster Shot "Less Than Lethal" Training Target is Made for The Shooter Who Wants To Know EXACTLY WHERE THEY HIT THE TARGET! (This Thing Actually Keeps Score!)

That's Right...You can Practice with a Non Lethal Launcher and Really Know How Well You are Doing!

In these days of Intense Crime on the Streets and Home Break Ins on The Rise, Having a Less than Lethal or Non Lethal Launcher Could Help Protect Your Family!

Being Proficient In Handling and Being an Accurate Shooter of Less than Lethal Launchers Could Make the Difference in a Confrontation between You and Them!

Blaster Shot Less than Lethal Target with Score Keeping Does All This:

  • Tracts ALL 68 Cal., 50 Cal. and 43 Cal. Solid PVC, High Impact Rounds, Projectiles or Rubber Paintballs (Exclusive Score Keeping Program included!!)
  • Performs with ANY 68 Cal., 50 Cal. and 43 Cal.  Less than Lethal Launchers and Paintball Ball Markers (including Byrna, Umara, Grimburg and Tippmann Launchers)
  • Real Time Feedback...Shooter Know Exactly Where They HIt Target
  • Hit Zone Color Flashes when Hit
  • 3 Separate Hit Zones
  • Blaster Shot will Track Which Target Zone Shooter Hit
  • Blaster Shot will Store All Hit Info By Shooter Name Or Id
  • Blaster Shot will Show Hit Info On Phone, Tablet Or Monitor
  • Blaster Shot Has Virtually No Ricochet or Ball Recoil
  • Displays and Stores all Hit Information on Phone

Blaster Shot Less than Lethal Is The Training Tool YOU Need to Hone in Your Less than Lethal Skills!

Blaster Shot. Train Smarter. Defend Smarter.