Airsoft Scorekeeping Vest Test

Is there an Airsoft Vest available that can actually count the number of times an Airsoft Pellet hits an Airsoft Player and display the score to spectators & players?

Yes there is!

The Sure Shots Airsoft Score Keeping Vest contains our exclusive Technology.

Each This Airsoft Vest is an electronic data storage unit that will:

  • track each Airsoft Pellet hit
  • track where the Airsoft Pellet hit occurred
  • track which player was hit
  • display all gathered information and display on Wide Screen TV or mobile phone

Check Out The Video...See it all!

 Watch Sure Shots Vest Actually Track Air Soft BBs!


Check Out New Low Pricing for Airsoft Score Keeping Vest

If you have any Questions about the Score Keeping System for Airsoft or adding the Score Keeping System to your Airsoft Field , give us a call , Send your question by Email or Use our Live Help.

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