500 Low Impact Paintballs

500 Low Impact Paintballs
500 Low Impact Paintballs that have less pain and no serious bruising when hitting player, are reusable and leave no paint mess.

March Score Keeping Special!

Sale: $50.99
$9.00 off

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Get 500 Low Impact Paintballs that:

  • are reusable over and over
  • leave no paint mess
  • have less pain and now serious bruising  when hitting player
  • work in all 50 Caliber Paintball Guns including JT Splatmaster Paintball Guns & Gotcha Paintball Guns

Sure Shots helped Invent the Low Impact Paintball that are reusable and paint free

Call 304-893-6286 or Contact Us by Email with any questions about Low Impact Paintballs or Low Impact Paintball Games

 Low Impact Paintball Video Demo